March's Fundraising!
A generous donor kindly donated £100 through CAF charities foundation. | Debbie Haddow from Rother Valley Riding Club held a raffle at their AGM and raised a brilliant £390. |
Willberry Wishes was granted to Wendy her daughter Julie accompanied her, the wish was to see the wonderful Frankel. Juddmonte did them proud and paraded the stallions for them, they then got to meet Frankel and give him some carrots. After kindly helping us fulfil another wish Juddmonte sent a super kind donation of £250 to the charity, we are so grateful thank you. | |
Harbro Country Stores from up North sold calendars in aid of Hannah’s Willberry Wonder Pony. Susan Larson kindly met the team behind all of the hard work and was given a super-sized cheque, thank you to all involved. Harbro had a Willberry Wonder Pony in each store raising £1500! | |
Justine Sole kindly donated £80 from the proceeds of her incredible photography. | The lovely supporters using the PayPal giving fund have managed to raise a brilliant £378.75! |
Naomi O’Neill from Equine Touch has a very clever idea of holding a Willberry Wednesday, £5 is donated to Hannah’s Willberry Wonder Pony for every booking on a Wednesday. So far an awesome £65 has come Willberry's way! | |
Kim George had the brilliant idea of knitting Christmas hats for Willberry’s relatives, they need to keep their heads warm in the winter and also helps their friend Willberry by raising £115! | |
Vikki James and Beachberry gave a talk on healthy eating to the Trefoil Guild and they kindly gave her a cheque which she asked to be given to the charity, thank you so much. Vikki also has a collection pot at her Beach Hut, when Vikki and Beachberry have friends over for tea they donate, altogether Vikki has raised a marvellous £170. Thanks so much for your continued support Vikki! | |
As you probably have heard there have been Willberry pandas on the loose. Longleat kindly offered the charity the pandas, Nicki & Hannah Bakewell kindly offered to find them forever homes, but first we had the task of moving them from Longleat to Romsey. After getting together a group of volunteers the move went ahead. Shaun Burton Transport from Frome gave his time and used one of his artic units, Willmotts DJB Transport from Waterlip lent us a curtain sided trailer for the move, Damien Kelly lent us his small lorry, Tony Andrews lent us his landrover and trailer and time. The people involved in the BIG move were, John Miles , June Clothier, Rachel Francis, James Francis, Tony Andrews, Jayne Andrews, Shaun Burton, Nicola Burton, Robert Allen, Rachel Evans, Lexi Cooper, Ellie Burton, Lewis Burton. Nikki & Hannah have done an amazing job raising £2380 and now only have two left……….do you need a panda in your life! Look out for those loose pandas they maybe at a show that you go to! |
The guns at Knoll shoot have been keeping their members in check by introducing fines for anything as small as not having their tie on ! This year a staggering amount of £4018.85 has been raised, thank you to everyone who has given, helping Willberry to make a difference to so many people. |
In 2018 we had another fantastic turn out for the Pertemps Champions Willberry Charity race at Epsom. We are very grateful to the jockeys who took part and the organisers £24500 before gift aid. | |
Through Just Giving this month the charity was given a fantastic amount of £3324.99 we are so grateful to you all for everything you do. | The amazing fundraisers using Virgin Money Giving have managed to raise £22.52. |
Faithful supporter Lindsay Lane ran the Grizzly at Seaton DEvon and fund raised an outstanding £400. | |
Clare Pool bravely climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, there are some lovely pictures of the start, middle and the end. This was a fantastic thing to cross of the bucket list and even more cool knowing £4625 has headed to keep #kickingcancersbutt. |