100 rides in 100 days!
Willberry and his team have been following the incredible Jess as she undertakes 100 spin sessions in 100 days!! Ouch, our legs are aching at the thought..
What inspired Jess to set about this awesome challenge? Willberry caught up with her to find out...
"Having grown up in Wiltshire and been a part of the Pony Club - and also with my best friend Zoe knowing Hannah and her family personally - I ended up following Hannah and Willberry's journey from the beginning. Hannah inspired me in so many ways (as I'm sure she does for many, many people), and I felt driven by her positivity, courage and how she faced an absolutely devastating situation and created such an amazing legacy from it.
I have wanted to help raise awareness and fundraise for Hannah's Willberry Wonder Pony ever since the day the official charity status of the organisation was announced, but I was never quite sure how I would go about it. Then in 2018, I joined a spin studio in London (where I now live) and the idea was presented to me.

100 rides in 100 days.
1st April 2019: I decided to take the plunge and ride 100 spin classes in 100 days for Hannah's Willberry Wonder Pony at my studio Digme Fitness - and that's exactly what I've been doing since then.
To raise as much awareness as possible, I have DigmeBerry on my bike with me for every ride of this 100. So far, Digmeberry seems to be coping with the early starts and excessive leg spinning much better than me - I can't think why! Regardless, together we're #kickingcancersbutt - one ride at a time!

The journey so far
The first 50 days have been challenging (in a good way...I think!) like I knew they would. I'll have days of feeling like I have legs made of jelly and other days where I feel on good form - there seems to be no pattern to it, but I’m just trying to listen to my body and hope it sees me through to the 100.
What has been really eye-opening about this challenge is how much of a mental challenge it is as well as physical. Some days when my alarm goes off at 5:30am, it takes literally everything within me to pull myself out of bed and drag my tired body to the studio. Likewise some days I sit on the bike and my legs will almost be screaming at me 'not again!!', and I have to fight past the protest and get it done. It can be tough!
I have had some funny looks in the studio too popping Digmeberry on my bike every day, but he's been a brilliant conversation starter and raises awareness like I hoped he would.

The next 40 rides...
2 months since our first ride, and we're now 60 rides into the challenge with just over a month to go! Every day I get myself and Digmeberry down to the studio to bank our ride for the day; knowing we are raising money and awareness for such a brilliant cause is what is really keeping me going.
Our 100th ride will be on Sunday 7th July, and my friends and family are going to join me at the studio to help me through the last one. It still feels like such a long way off right now, but I keep reminding myself that I'm over halfway through and raising money for an amazing cause - I must not stop!!

Help Digmeberry & I reach our target
I've seen many of my family members and friends throughout my life come face-to-face with cancer - and some are currently facing it as I type this. This challenge is for them.
I hope to raise £1000 for Hannah's Willberry Wonder Pony, so please, please donate if you can - https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Jessicas100challenge - and join myself and Digmeberry in #kickingcancersbutt. Every donation gives me such a boost, and really helps my sore legs through every ride.
You can also follow our journey on my Instagram page: @jessica_catherine91 - I'm trying to document as much as possible (sweat and all) - or, if you're London based and fancy joining Digmeberry and I for a ride, please do drop me a message on Instagram. Berry pony essential of course!"