May's Fab Fundraising
Willberry was on the road and headed to Badminton Horse Trials. He loved meeting lots of lovely people. Team Willberry would like to thank everyone who supports enabling us to raise over £20,000 of funds for the charity.
A collection was held at Hawkeridge Congregational Chapel from their Easter Service, everyone was very generous and so £69 was raised towards #kickingcancersbutt.
Stephanie Smith-Maxwell kindly held a collection pot, and managed to raise a brilliant £109.10.

The dream team of Becky and Benson went for a 'little stroll' from Burghley to Badminton! No mean feat at all, think they both slept well afterwards! Their efforts were not in vain as an incredible £3729 was raised! Here's a link to justgiving:
Cirencester College held a tack sale in aid of us, not only did everybody get lots of bargains but £161.50 was sent our way!
Thanks to the Relief Chest Scheme and a specific request by the Freemasons of Electron Lodge to donate to HWWPC, £1625.00 was sent our way which will make a huge difference in Hannah and Willberry's mission.

Chew Valley & District Young Farmers Club kindly sent in a huge donation of £1500. Thanks so much for your generosity. The lovely Jayne Smart (who was Hannah's SJ coach and responsible for bringing Hannah and Willberry together!) kindly gave a talk about the charity and was there to collect our huge cheque!
A donation was sent in from S Gower for £65. Thank you so much.
Cleveleys Vets4Pets hel a fundraising day for us. It sounded like it was a great success and an awesome £166.72 was sent our way for their efforts.